Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 5: The Furlough and a Fork World Tour

Country: Japan

Eh…I don’t think this counts, but by Day 5 I really just wanted something simple. So I picked up an avocado-cucumber roll at Whole Foods.

I checked the website for Genji, the company that makes these and even they call it “Japanese-inspired” cuisine.

But then I remembered that my brother brought me some cups of dried soup from a trip to Japan. Authentic! I think he got them partly because they’re so adorably tiny. Here’s one next to my gigantic American coffee cup.

It’s like a mini snow globe or a terrarium of dried fish and mushrooms.

After I added water, I was shocked when the thimble of soup made my entire apartment (though also small) smell like a Captain D's.

Given that I can’t read the packet and didn’t see any sort of expiration date (and my brother picked these up last summer) I could only brave a couple sips of the broth with onion.

It was salty.

That’s all I’ve got.

But more than appreciating the taste, it made me appreciate my brother. And sometimes that’s the best part of a meal, right?


CaRoLiNe said...

Ok none of that looks appetizing to me hahah, BUT, I'll tell you what is - Suzy Wong's House of Yum - have you been? It. Is. AMAZINGGGGG.

I LOVE all these posts!!!


Angie Dobbs said...

can i just tell you how refreshing it is to read a blog that doesn't blather on and on about KIDS and being a MOMMY and OH THE STRESS AND HILARITY OF IT ALL!!!!!

sorry. just venting. love you and miss you girl!